A couple of weeks ago there were several things happening in my life that were weighing me down. I had 2 friends very ill, one actually died, and I was honored to be present during her transition. The events in our country and the world seemed to be piling up quicker than I could imagine those horrific things could even happen.

My sleep was being interrupted, and I wasn’t waking refreshed like I’m used to. I noticed that I was unnecessarily impatient and judgemental. I felt no creativity. I was not a happy camper!

Helping my sick friends was important to me, and I don’t watch the news, but only get trickles of events from my FB feed and emails.

The problem was that I was simply out of balance. It was clear to me after a few days that I needed to overload on self-care. I needed more support than my daily meditation, spiritual practice, Breathwork and essential oils. I needed some FUN and CREATIVITY and FOREST BATHING!

So I began right then and there to begin the balancing, adding HEAPS of those things to my life that I know make it sweeter. We can be more productive when we’re joyful, and I was focusing too much on things I couldn’t change and allowed that perspective to zap my energy and joy. And if we do that for too long, it can turn into compassion fatigue!

I DO want to change the world, and I have to remember that it begins with me.

I AM aware that we are in the midst of an enormous transformation, and I want to be a holy spark in this transformation.

I encourage you to have faith that something magnificent is trying to emerge. May we be an instrument of this beautiful transformation, this God-presence that wants to know Itself as our life.

Shine on!

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