I haven’t spoken about this before, but ……. 

well, I hope I don’t freak some of you out ๐Ÿ™‚

Humans have been evolving for many, many thousands of years. But something interesting is happening. Have you noticed an increase of extreme events in the past couple of decades, and also a seeming speed up of time itself? 

I’ve heard from some wise people that this is because we are at a time in humanity where reality as we know it blurs. Where we have come to the end point of possibilities in this dimension. Where the pinnacles of good and bad become one then splits once again to become other versions of physical earth.* Like a splitting prism.

They say that our consciousness is breaking through all possible constraints on this level of transformation. We’re doing it as individuals and as a global human group. Breaking through the dense 3rd dimensional traits of judgement, anger, war, strife and strain. 

I do believe that weโ€™re all participating in a process of expansion of consciousness: by our words, thoughts and actions. By the energy we activate within ourselves, and therefore emanate. 

Our energy contributes to the consciousness of humanity. 

How are you choosing to participate in the evolution of humanity? Is your energy helping it rise?

Our thoughts matter. Our feelings matter. 

Peace is power, our stability. When we allow fear to take over our peace, we get off track. The world culture is infused with anxiety, which is an expression of fear, widely promoted in our news and social media. We don’t have to listen to the fear and judgement. 

It’s important to be aware of our thoughts and feelings so we can choose a wise course. Itโ€™s clear that we canโ€™t heal on our own since we’re all connected. We need each other to heal, while we’re upgrading our individual energy. 

Self-care isn’t selfish

Our life force/energy is of utmost importance to us individually, and as a contribution to the whole. A few self-care ideas are: 

  •  Healthy boundaries like turning off the non-stop news about things that leave us feeling helpless. Help where you can, send money, pray, then let it go. 
  •  Take time for stillness/meditation
  •  Walk in the forest (do a Forest Bath)
  •  Laugh with friends
  •  Create something: a drawing, a poem, sing a song, dance
  •  Pray for your enemies (a great way to unburden your heartaches)

Self love can be a spiritual practice.

Would you like to have an unshakable foundation of peace and wellbeing, regardless of what’s going on out there? Then join us in the Awakening to Joy Life Mastery Program that begins in January. 

Imagine what your life could like if you had the tools to live in total sacred alignment? To overcome the overwhelm and create an inner unshakeable peace. To finally get to the essence of who you’ve always felt was there, but couldn’t find. 

And the love that is unearthed in each other during these group experiences is astounding …. miraculous …. beyond measure. Lifelong friendships created. 

Please think about being with us ๐Ÿ˜

* As a student of A Course in Miracles, any version of this world is completely our ego’s creation. The only reality is Divine Reality, which is changeless and eternal. 

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