Do you really feel you don’t matter?

Not taking time for selfceare is really saying “I don’t matter”

I don’t have time for self-care” is another way of saying “I don’t matter
I regularly encounter women who look like they’re making their lives work. Doing what it takes to get things done – getting their family fed and cared for – caring for finances, with a job or budgeting – caring for the house – maybe caring for aging parents.

Care is a beautiful thing to share. It’s a way we show our love for others. 

But a huge number of these women appear one way on the outside, and another way on the inside. Because they’re burned out and overwhelmed.

You see, they understand how to give care, but not so good at receiving care. And the people they’re helping may not even notice that these women are stressed, and even depressed from the heavy load they are carrying. 

So what to do?  Begin with the Golden RuleLove others as you love yourself.
It’s not selfish to love and care for yourself. Actually, it’s essential for the health of happiness of your whole family.

And since our relationship with ourself is where all relationships begin, let’s start at the beginning.
Self-care includes four main areas of how to take care of your well-being: your emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual health. 

Here are some tools to support the four main areas of self-care:

Physical well-being: Nourish yourself with healthy foods, stay hydrated, and move your body regularly. Decluttering & organizing your home creates a sense of spaciousness and control. Breathe. Make time for relaxation and activities that leave you feeling restored.
Emotional well-being: Protect your emotional well-being. Set healthy boundaries to manage your time and energy. Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and inspire you. Nurture your positive relationships by offering and receiving love, kindness, and support. Make time for those who care about you, and who you care about in return.

Psychological well-being: Invest in your mental growth. Embrace opportunities for personal and professional development. Focus on what you can control and prioritize self-reflection. Pay attention to your inner world – thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Cultivate self-awareness through practices like journaling, meditation, breathwork, and seeking feedback, or even coaching/counseling.

Spiritual well-being: Nurture your spirit. Cultivate a sense of peace through practices like prayer, meditation or mindfulness. Explore practices like visualization and gratitude. Immerse yourself in nature and connect with the world beyond the material.

All healing begins with a first step. Choose one or two of the things on this list above to incorporate into your life. Small steps can make huge differences in your well-being, reducing stress and overwhelm step by step. 

Are you ready for Juliana to hold sacred space for your transformational journey? Click here to schedule a discovery session with her and you can talk about your next step.

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