A Cosmic Experience is what I think is happening around the world and inside us. A global transformation so great that it is resonating throughout the cosmos with joy and power.

I don’t think it’s just by chance that we have economic, environmental and human disasters all happening simultaneously. We’re at the beginning of a new time, a new age. This transformation in a flash is unleashing real power: the Cosmic Power of Love.

The old world was full of sickness, domination, destruction and greed. It was unsustainable.

Now in a flash it’s all different.

It seemed impossible. We believed only a miracle could change the world we knew a month ago. Now it’s all breaking apart to be remade into something amazingly beautiful. Love has risen to the top of the list of what people are noticing.

Yes there’s fear and irritability,

but there is more kindness and sharing and caring.

There’s slowing down to enjoy nature.

Parents playing with their kids.

Kids actually playing outside.

People are rediscovering hobbies and cooking.

We are grateful for little things now.

We are slowing down to a normal human pace.

People are taking time to smell the roses.

We are becoming more of a world that knows every person matters.

We’re seeing that the whole world is connected.

We’re learning that every animal, plant, and all of earthly beauty is sacred.

And it is.

I believe that some of us signed on for this. I did. I became a Rebirthing Breathworker about 25 years ago to help with a transition like this. It’s all about letting go and remembering that we are Divine beings, not machines.

Please watch this beautiful video. Click here

🌺 Blessings of Peace to you


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