Eight years ago I attended a weeklong program in British Columbia that was meant to help people get over fears, break through challenges, and become a more way more confident person.

It was a really powerful week! 150 of us slept in tents at the foot of a glacier in a beautiful pine forest, got up at 5AM every morning to chant and then do yoga at six, 3-minute showers, 30 minutes for lunch.

Each day we had a main focus. One day it was climbing a mountain. Another day it was warding off mean & scary men (a team of self defense specialists in tech padding. We were taught how to fight them off. Kick, hit, scream, etc) The highlight of the week was to walk over 30 feet of burning coals at midnight with huge drumming drums. (Yes I did that!!)

But walking hot coals wasn’t the high point of my week. The high point of MY week was walking on the tightrope 30 feet in the air. And we also had to pass a person on the tight rope going in the opposite direction!

The whole thing was super hard for me. There was no soft landing below – only hard ground. Even though I had a harness around my waist connected to a safety wire above me, I was still terrified!

So I’m sitting here this morning thinking about that week. Sometimes my days feel like that. I can see the possible danger or obstacles around me, and I feel fearful. When I can get my thoughts together, I let myself feel the fear, then do some self-talk to get me in the right direction. 

And then I can recognize and feel the safety harness around my waist, which is God/Universal Love. Even when I’m feeling all of the cacophony around me, and I can’t IMAGINE HOW things are going to work out, I feel the safety and security of Universal Lifeforce supporting me.

Doesn’t mean that all of that scary stuff isn’t there for me to see and experience. It means that I’m choosing to focus on the fact that Life has my back. And it has always been there. And always will be.

So I try to remember that God is my harness and my safety wire – and my soft landing, when needed.

Blessed be!

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